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Third Party Anonymous Reporting

If you have been a victim of a sexual assault and are not sure about reporting, you can provide the police with information anonymously.


Third party reporting is when someone else reports a crime to the police on your behalf. It allows the police to receive information about the crime without knowing your identity or acting on this information without your consent.

How Third Party Reporting works

Survivors’ Network can act as a third party by completing a police reporting form with you anonymously and passing it to the police on your behalf. The police will use this information to gather intelligence and find out if there are other crimes being committed in the same way or by the same person(s).

If the police learn additional details about the crime through their investigation, such as the name of the offender, or if other people come forward, Survivors’ Network can act as a go-between for police to get more information from you, with your consent.

It is your decision whether or not to work directly with police.

You can still decide to make a full police report at any time.

How to make an anonymous report

For more information you can speak to a member of the Welcome Team by calling 01273 203380 or emailing on info@survivorsnetwork.org.uk