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SNUG: Service User Group

Share your feedback and have your say about our services.

Would you like to have your say on Survivors’ Network services, help us develop what we do, share new ideas or plan a service user activity?

If your answer is yes, then we would like to invite you to be part of our SNUG (Service User Group)!

Who can join the SNUG?

This group is open to people of any gender aged 18+ years, who have been using any of our services for at least 3 months.

When does the SNUG meet?

SNUG meetings take place once every three months. They are either held online or in-person. We can reimburse reasonable travel expenses and childcare costs if we meet face-to-face.

How do I join the SNUG?

If you are interested, please complete the short form here: https://forms.gle/5aGYfWnLL5nerE9e9

We will then get back to you, invite you for a chat, and explain more about how the group works.

For more information please contact our Welcome Team at info@survivorsnetwork.org.uk.