Reporting Options Drop-in
For those wishing to get more information about the process of reporting cases of sexual violence to the police, before making a decision about whether to report.
Survivors’ Network and representatives from Sussex Police are hosting drop-in sessions at The Brighthelm Centre in central Brighton every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month to offer advice and support to those thinking of reporting a sexual offence to the police.
We understand that the criminal justice process can be confusing and is only one of the options taken by survivors as part of their journey towards healing.
This is an anonymous and confidential* space and no identifying information about you will be recorded or collected. We are there to provide information about the options of reporting a sexual offence to the police and about the police investigation process, to allow you to make an informed decision about whether to report. This not a space to make a formal report but just to get information about the options of reporting.
Now available by phone as well as in person during drop-in hours. If you are interested in a phone call to discuss reporting options, please get in touch with our Welcome Team via email info@survivorsnetwork.org.uk, or phone 01273 203380.
What information we can offer:
- What to expect from an investigation.
- What the legal process involves.
- Your options going forward.
- Your rights as a survivor.
Who will be there:
- ISVA’s (Independent Sexual Violence Advisor) from Survivors’ Network, the Rape Crisis Centre for Sussex.
- VCC’s (Victim Contact Coordinator) from Sussex Police.
- You can speak with an ISVA, a VCC or both (there is no obligation to speak to the police or a police representative if you do not want to).
Where and when will it be:
Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month – 1.15pm – 2.45pm at The Brighthelm Centre (fully accessible either on ground floor or via lift.)
- In line with our confidentiality policy.