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Online support group for trans, non-binary and intersex survivors

April 1, 2021

A supportive space for TNBI survivors

Switchboard and Survivors’ Network run peer support groups for trans, non-binary and intersex survivors of sexual violence. The groups run online every other Thursday.

It’s an informal, safe space to discuss what matters to you with other TNBI people who have had similar experiences.

This group is currently not taking new participants.


Who can come?toggle accordion content

The group is open to trans, non-binary, intersex and/or questioning people based around the Sussex area who have experienced sexual violence.

What do you do in the groups?toggle accordion content

Group members decide what we do. We usually have a topic for discussion that group members have nominated and agreed to. We’d like to branch out into creative and artistic activities soon. If you have an idea for what you’d like to do in the group, let us know; it’s your space.

Do I have to talk about my experience?toggle accordion content

No. You can decide what you share, and we ask everyone to be mindful about sharing potentially triggering details.

Are they online?toggle accordion content

They take place on Zoom. You can keep your camera off if you prefer. If you struggle to access video conferencing we can work with you to make it more accessible.

Do I have to commit to coming every time?toggle accordion content

You can come to as many or as few groups as you like. We put out a sign-up form for each group a week in advance.


April 1, 2021
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
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