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Guide for lesbian and bisexual women - cover

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Guide for lesbian and bisexual women affected by sexual violence


This guide is for lesbian and bisexual women who have been affected by sexual violence. Our aim is to provide an overview of the basics and to help you find the support you need.

If you’re a survivor of rape or sexual violence and you are looking for support then by picking up this booklet you’ve already made the first step in the journey towards moving on. Sexual violence is an issue that is commonly misunderstood, downplayed or even denied; our Myths and realities section looks at some of the common assumptions that are made about rape and sexual assault.

Sexual violence impacts on the lives of survivors in very different ways but there are some common reactions which we’ll help you to get to grips with. Whatever point you’re at in your journey towards moving on, we want you to know that you’re not alone. There is support out there if you’d like it and things can get better.

This booklet is for anyone who identifies as a lesbian or bisexual woman, but some of the information may be more relevant for cis-gender women. We also have booklets for trans people and for gay and bisexual men.

If by reading this guide you decide that you would like our support, then please call us on 0845 3 30 30 30 or email helpline@lgf.org.uk

(with thanks to The Lesbian and Gay Foundation)