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Resources for survivors who are sex workers

Read here how we can support survivors of sexual violence who are sex workers and see our comprehensive list of resources.

We are constantly working towards providing the best possible support for all survivors of sexual violence, regardless of their circumstances.

When it comes to our role in supporting survivors of sexual violence we are all too aware of the public attitudes around survivors who work in the sex industry. There are many misconceptions that sex workers have compromised their consent with their choice of work. 

We must provide compassionate, understanding and supportive environments for survivors of sexual violence who engage in sex work. Please see the list below of how we can support sex worker survivors and see links to specialised organisations that can help. 


ISVA (independent sexual violence advisor) Support

We are lucky enough to be able to provide unique ISVA (independent sexual violence advisor) support for people who experience multiple disadvantages when accessing societal systems. 

Read more here – People Who Experience multiple disadvantages ISVA – Survivors Network


SWOP (Sex Workers Outreach Project) Brighton 

The SWOP is a confidential and non-judgemental service for self-identifying women sex workers who live or work in Brighton & Hove.

They provide…

  • Advice and information on health, well-being and safer working
  • Free condoms and lubricant
  • Emotional support if you are feeling isolated
  • Support and advice if you have experienced violence, abuse, stalking or harassment (at work or in personal life)
  • Information on sex work, the law and your rights
  • Support and advice if you or someone close to you are worried about are using drugs or alcohol
  • Referrals & signposting to other services (physical or mental health, money advice, housing, immigration and peer support) SWOP can also offer more in-depth support: this includes longer-term 1:1 support, outreach and advocacy if you are in a situation that you are not happy with and would like to make changes.

Visit SWOP Sussex for more info, contact details and safer working advice or call/text Mel:  07801 376 158 / 01273 675 526



  • Street Sex Workers – Oasis Project – Provides support with housing, substance misuse and sexual health support. 
  • https://nationaluglymugs.org/ – A UK-wide charity working with sex workers to do research, design and deliver safety tools and provide support services to people in adult industries.
  • https://beyondthestreets.org.uk/ – UK charity that works with women involved in the UK sex industry and have experienced coercion, exploitation and abuse. 
  • Streetlight – Streetlight UK provides a specialised support service for women involved in prostitution across Sussex, Surrey and London.
  • SWARM Collective – Sex worker advocate who campaign for the rights and safety of everyone who sells sexual services and organises skill-shares and supports meet-ups just for sex workers, as well as public events.