News | 21 March 2023
The return of Speak Out e-zine
Calling all creative survivors! Our new service user contributed e-zine is an artistic showcase of creativity and community.
Speak Out is back and this time it’s made up of creative contributions from our community. We are always looking for more people to be involved and would love to support you to contribute your work if you are interested!
Important information
- The next deadline is 24th April, 2023.
- The theme for the first issue is Empowerment, please don’t see this as restrictive, it’s only for inspiration, or a jumping off point if needed.
- If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to kit@survivorsnetwork.org.uk
What to submit
- Submissions can be created in whatever artform preferred
- Poetry
- Artwork/illustration
- Photography
- Short-form writing of up to 500 words long
- Videos
- Music
- We also welcome messages for other survivors for inclusion, whether or not they’re attached with another piece of work.
Remember: This is a publication created by survivors, for survivors. Bear in mind your responsibility to the reader’s wellbeing, while being true to yourself and what you create. Trigger warnings will be used to allow readers to make their own decisions on what is safe to read.
What we’ll ask for with your submission
- Your name or preferred pseudonym (whatever name you want attached to your work)
- Any trigger-warnings you think are appropriate for your submission
- A message to other survivors (if you feel comfortable including this)
- Contact information if you’d like to be invited to the next contributor meeting, to be held at the Brighton office after issue release.
How to send in your submission
Use this form or email to kit@survivorsnetwork.org.uk
After submission
If you have provided your contact information, we will be in touch if we feel there is anything we have to follow up on. We will also send you the issue once completed, and be in touch about the next contributor meeting, deadline and theme for the next issue. You can ask to be removed from this list at any time.
Contributor meetings
- We will have quarterly meetings after each submission to plan the following one, these will be held at our Brighton offices (6A Pavilion Buildings) with the option to join remotely.
- If you would like to join us, please get in touch.
- If you have anything you would like discuss, add it to our agenda by using this spreadsheet. You can do this whether or not you are able to attend