News | 28 November 2023
The BIG Give: Christmas Challenge
One Donation...Twice the impact. Every Donation Doubled between 28th Nov - 5th Dec
We are delighted to be taking part in the Big Give Christmas Challenge meaning that every donation we receive via this link between 28th November and 5th December could be doubled!
What is the Big Give Christmas Challenge?
The Big Give Christmas Challenge is the UK’s largest match funding campaign. For seven days, it offers supporters of participating charities the opportunity to have their donation doubled. Survivors’ Network are lucky enough to have been offered up to £10,000 in match funding meaning that, with your help, we have the opportunity of raising an amazing £20,000!
Where will my donations go?
We believe that no one should be alone when they have experienced sexual violence, abuse or harassment. Every penny raised during this campaign could help us to provide additional therapy sessions to survivors on our waiting list.
How do I donate? You can donate by following this link: https://donate.biggive.org/campaign/a056900002RXrgbAAD
I can’t donate at this time, how else can I help?
This has been a difficult year and we completely understand that you might not be able to support us financially. We would still really appreciate you helping us by spreading the word and sharing the information about our campaign with your networks to help us reach as many people as possible.
Who is supporting the Big Give?
We are lucky enough to receive match funding from The Brook Trust and The Julia and Hans Rausing Trust. We’re also delighted to receive support from Ginger Green, Lewes Community Football Club and Faye Jennifer Vinyl Design.
How will Survivors’ Network be fundraising?
We’ll be holding an online auction between 21st and 28th November with a range of exciting gifts and experiences to bid on, all kindly donated by our supporters. You’ll also find us collecting donations at Lewes Football Club on 25th November and at Brighton Open Market’s Vegan Market on 2nd December.
What happens once you reach your target?
Once we have reached our £20,000 target, donations will no longer be doubled. Any further donations will be greatly appreciated and will continue to be used to support survivors in Sussex.