News | 23 July 2020
Virtual Quilt Challenge
Join our nine day creativity challenge from 1st August
A couple of years ago, at the Survivors’ Network office, a banner was found, sewn from individual squares stitched together and carried on marches by our founding members. Whilst some of the words may have faded, the central message remained clear: you are believed, you do not have to be ashamed of what someone else did to you, it does not have to be a painful secret anymore.

As quilts go, it’s pretty special and we plan on adding to the story – and for that, we need your help.
Over the course of nine days, Survivors’ Network will post nine brilliant quotes across our social platforms. These nine quotes invite nine posts of your own: using the #virtualquiltchallenge we want you to curate your own 3×3 Instagram grid and virtual quilt. We want you to get creative – whether it be photography, art, makeup, knitting, written or spoken word, dancing or sewing…
Nine posts from us; nine squares from you; your very own virtual quilt. And at the end of it we’ll be able to look across the whole hashtag to witness a modern creation that celebrates that first banner made at Survivors’ Network!
The nine day challenge will start on the first of August, so pop it in your diaries now! You can register your interest via this form, and join our Facebook group Survivors’ Network Virtual Quilt Challenge to share your progress and chat to other people getting involved. We encourage you to tag Survivors’ Network in all of your posts during the challenge, as well as using the #virtualquiltchallenge hashtag, so we can see what you’re up to!
You can also use this as an opportunity to support survivors in Sussex! Why not donate £9, one for each day you’ve challenged yourself to make something new? As a small organisation every donation makes a huge difference, especially in such difficult times.
We can’t wait to get creative with you all… follow us on Instagram or Facebook for updates.